Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Effects Of Child Abuse On Children - 1951 Words

Child Abuse is a huge social problem that affects children from all walks of life. It can have detrimental long-term negative consequences that forever change the lives of millions of people. It’s extremely important to understand the impact it has on the mental and social well-being of young adults and try to prevent the ongoing cycle of violence. As a society, we need to become more aware of how serious this problem is and try to intervene before the consequences affect future generations. Theories have been proposed to try and explain these different effects and how it contributes to negative behaviors throughout their development and many of these theories have provided valuable information to help answer some of these research†¦show more content†¦The study hypothesized that physical abuse would relate to violent delinquency, more so than the effects of other risk factors. In the first study (Lansford, 2007) a community sample of 574 African American and Caucasian children were followed from the age of 5 the age of 21. Children were recruited from random from 3 different school districts in Tennessee and one in Indiana. Abuse was measured through extensive interviews with participants through the age of 21 and follow-up assessments were conducted annually. Violent delinquency was measured using self-report and also through official court records of their violent offenses. Nonviolent delinquency and aggression were measured by examining official court records, self-reported arrests, self-reported externalizing problems, and romantic relationship violence. After examining this data, an investigation of the information showed that adults who had been physically abused in the first 5 years of life had a higher risk of being arrested as juveniles for violent, nonviolent and status offenses (Lansford, 2007). This data was measured using analyses of covariance and adjusted means. Lansford (2007) shows that physically abused youth were also less likely to have finished high school, more likely to have been fired from their job in the past year, and impregnate or be impregnated as a teen by someone they were not married to. Lansford (2007) also suggests that they were

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