Sunday, June 7, 2020

Dubai Service Excellence Scheme Essay - 825 Words

Dubai Service Excellence Scheme (Research Paper Sample) Content: Business and MarketingCode:Dubai Service Excellence SchemeName:Number:Date of Submission:(Word Count: 883)Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PAGEREF _Toc404967050 \h 3DISCUSSION PAGEREF _Toc404967051 \h 3Introduction PAGEREF _Toc404967052 \h 3Overview of DESES PAGEREF _Toc404967053 \h 3Objectives of DSES PAGEREF _Toc404967054 \h 4Award Criteria PAGEREF _Toc404967055 \h 4Membership Pre-requisite PAGEREF _Toc404967056 \h 5CONCLUSION PAGEREF _Toc404967057 \h 5Recommendations PAGEREF _Toc404967058 \h 6Bibliography PAGEREF _Toc404967059 \h 7EXECUTIVE SUMMARYThe increasing need for quality performance and excellent service in the public sector has made governments to come up with initiatives that can promote and enhance quality service delivery. The uniqueness of such initiatives is dependent on the market needs and specific factors that a given government would like to meet. Such is the Dubai Service Excellence Scheme which this paper focuses on. The paper begins by giving a small introduction followed by explanation of its objectives, membership criteria as well as pre-requisites of this scheme. The paper ends by giving a recommendation on what needs to be done to make the scheme better.DISCUSSIONIntroductionThe Dubai Service Excellence Scheme (DESES) was established in the year 2002 by the Department of Economic Development as one of the many government initiatives to improve customer service delivery (Government of Dubai, p.1). Buying things in Dubai was always an unpleasant experience for customers and there was increasing need to restore customer confidence. This paper focuses on the major aspects of DESES and its major aspects.Overview of DESESAll participating businesses are bound by a common customer service excellence criteria and a common code of business (Government of Dubai, p.1). There is a lot of competition in the service sector as well as other businesses and this scheme was established to ensure that all busine sses enjoy a competitive advantage (Oxford Business Group 2012, P. 13). All businesses are expected to have quality driven culture that is customer-focused. A particularà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ businessà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s reputation of customer excellence is what makes it to be different from other businesses. A well maintained business environment should be orderly, clean and conducive for all customers and this scheme was exactly created to emphasize that. All the members of staff should demonstrate their commitment to training and development in order to acquire the necessary skills to provide excellent customer service. The ability to provide quality customer service depends on knowledge and attitude.Objectives of DSESThe first objective of DSES is to ensure that all participating businesses observe high ethical standards as way of raising customer confidence. The scheme is also supposed to help businesses to improve in customer service by assisting them to identify their weaknesses. In order to e nhance business efficiency and productivity, the scheme is supposed to help all participating business to initiate the best management practices (Oxford Business Group 2012, p. 21). This is also a reward scheme that is meant to encourage quality customer service in Dubai by rewarding and recognizing businesses that perform well in that area. The final objective of this scheme is to ensure Dubai has a very high reputation when it comes to customer service both nationally and internationally (Stapenhurst 2009, p. 98).Award CriteriaIn order to be a member of this scheme, a business has to satisfy the criteria for customer service excellent and at the same time comply with the recommended code of business ethics (Stapenhurst 2009, p. 98). The eligible members subjected to mandatory Test reports are mandatory when you want to join this scheme and businesses have to achieve a maximum score of 75% for their membership to be approved. Every business category has its own sub criterion develo ped by DSES after thorough consultation (Collard 2012, p. 8). Those who qualify are expected to uphold better customer service standards. Every business sector has its unique industry standards and service delivery fundamentals and this is normally considered by the scheme when membership approval is being done. The same is expected to be maintained for one to remain a member. The levels of customer satisfaction are normally used to periodically monitor the commitment of a member to the recommended standards. Examples of business categories under this scheme include travel services, retail banking services, money exchange services, general retail, furniture, footwear, electronics, apparels and government services (Oxford Business Group 2012, p.225).

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